Information for your Business
Employing an Australian Apprentice is a great way to grow talent within your business and support skill development within the Kimberley region. If you are thinking of employing an Australian Apprentice then look no further, KGT makes it easy for you and has Apprentices ready to place now.
Advantages of employing an Apprentice through KGT include:
- Pre-employment preparation including tailored pre-employment programs, white card training, workplace safety assessment and trade school co-ordination
- Administering wages, superannuation/long service leave returns, workers compensation, sick leave and group certificates
- Applying for Government incentives
- Dealing with Government departments.
- Ongoing mentoring of your Apprentice, including on-site visits
- Monitoring of training progress and providing you with feedback
- Liaising with the training provider
- Maximising opportunities for you and your apprentice to take advantage of Government incentives. The Australian Government has a number of initiatives to assist employers who take on an Australian Apprentice.